Dear Parent/Carer,
Further to the recent government announcement regarding a full return to school from 8th March, I am delighted to share with you the planning that we have put in place to ensure that we can welcome your child back in a safe and secure way.
It is important to note the amount of effort and creativity that has been shown by students and staff in relation to learning opportunities during lockdown. They have worked very hard and shown a real strength of character in how they have responded to these challenges. It is important that we celebrate their success.
The return to school will be building upon this progress, whilst supporting students who have found some aspects of their learning a challenge. When students come back in March, it will be a fresh start for all. Students will not be penalised for work not completed during “lockdown”.
We are aware that some students and parents/carers may feel anxious about a return to school, however we are following all the guidance to ensure that any risk is managed as well as possible. The safety of our community is our number one priority.
Managing Risk
We have reviewed the possible risks and made changes to ensure that staff and students can remain safe whilst getting back into the routines of lessons. We are excited at the prospect of returning to school-based learning, but need to ensure that this is undertaken in a way that ensures the wellbeing of everybody as far as is possible.
Punctuality and Attendance
All students are expected to return in March. The usual rules for school attendance apply, including. A small number of children will still not be unable to attend because they:
- Have symptoms or have had a positive test
- Live with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive and are a household contact
- Are a close contact to someone who has COVID-19
To ensure the safety of all, it is vital that your child is punctual to school to avoid crossing over with another year group.
In addition, when students first arrive, they must go directly to wash room once they have washed/sanitised their hands. They must only follow the specified route for their year group and not cross into a separate year group zone.
Face Coverings in School – All Students and Adults
Face coverings will need to be worn by all adults and students when moving around the school site, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas. On arrival, everyone will be asked to sanitise their hands. Throughout the day, everyone will be reminded to regularly and thoroughly wash their hands. General hygiene is essential. Please remind your child of the instruction of coughing into a tissue and the government guidelines of ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. To support this, please send your child to school with sufficient tissues for personal use. It is recommended that they also bring a water bottle. It is important that uniform is kept clean and regularly washed.
Teaching and Learning
All desks have been moved so that all students will face the front in rows. Students are asked not to enter the space that has been marked out around the teachers’ desk and whiteboard. Students should bring their normal school equipment to school including a school bag, however, sharing of equipment is not recommended.
Travel to School
Government guidelines recommend that students walk to school or cycle if they cannot be dropped to school. Obviously, this may not be practical for large numbers of our community. Students must wear a mask on their way to school if using public transport.
Please discuss with your child the protective measures they will need to take. With all schools returning, public transport will be busy even with the changes we have made to the timings of the day.
If you are arranging to pick up your child, please select a designated area that you can both safely meet. It is important to avoid people all gathering or waiting at the school gates.
Catering Arrangements
The canteen will be available for meals from 15th of March. We would advise that students bring a snack and drink with them.
Parents are asked to monitor their child and not send them to school if they are exhibiting any Covid-19 like symptoms i.e. they have a high temperature, new continuous cough, or change to their sense of smell and/or taste.
If your child or any other member of your family is unwell or tests positive for Covid-19, please contact the school immediately. Please follow all the test, trace and track advice on the government website. Parents are expected to have accessed and read the guidelines. Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested: Guidance on coronavirus testing, including who is eligible for a test and how to get tested
If your child feels unwell at school, they will be placed in isolation from other students and you must collect them immediately. Please ensure that the school has accurate contact details on file.
Mutual Support
Our focus in March will be on boosting your child’s confidence and utilising a recovery curriculum to ensure they make rapid progress. Children may find it will take a little time to adapt back into the rules and routines of school. However, from talking to some of our students on their recent return, it is evident that they welcomed the opportunities available to them in school. I am confident that your child will have a positive return to school and fit in with our adjusted ways of working.
We are relying on students to work with us for everyone’s safety. I would like to ask for your support in talking to your child about the importance of this opportunity and following all the safety measures that have been put in place. It will be considered a major breech of the School’s code of conduct if a student does not follow these rules or tries to mix between bubbles.
I am sorry that this letter is so long. However, I hope that you can appreciate that there is a lot of information that needs to be relayed. On your child’s first morning, we will be reminding them of all of our new ways of working and reassuring them of the systems that we have put in place.
May I thank you in advance for your support and co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Office Admins