IRIS School Academic Achievements
In Year 2, children sit official SATs in English and maths. They are marked by the class teacher. However, a small number of papers from the school may be sent to the local education authority to be moderated. This is purely to assess the quality and consistency of the marking, as opposed to the work done by the child. SATS scores for KS1 is as follows:
115 – This is the highest score a child can get in the KS1 SATs. 101-114 – Any score above 100 (including 115) means that a child has exceeded the expected standard in the test. 100 – This is the expected standard for children (and essentially means a ‘pass’). 85-99 – Any child that is awarded a scaled score of 99 or below has not met the expected standard in their KS1 SATs.
IRIS School Performance Table KS1 Academic Year 2022-2023
Year 1 Phonics screening | 75% at expected or above |
Key stage 1 SATs – Reading | 69% at expected or exceeding |
Key stage 1 SATs – Maths | 72% at expected or exceeding |
IRIS School Performance Table KS1 Academic Year 2021-2022
Year 1 Phonics screening | 74% at expected or above |
Key stage 1 SATs – Reading | 65% at expected or exceeding |
Key stage 1 SATs – Maths | 69% at expected or exceeding |
In Year 6, children sit SATs in maths, English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling.
These exams are marked externally. Children may also sit a science SAT, but these tests are only given to some schools to assess national standards at KS2, and they are teacher assessed in most schools. SATS scores for KS2 is as follows:
120 – This is the highest score a child can get in the KS2 SATs. 101-119 – Any score above 100 (including 120) means that a child has exceeded the expected standard in the test. 100 – This is the expected standard for children (and essentially means a ‘pass’). 80-99 – Any child that is awarded a scaled score of 99 or below has not met the expected standard in their KS2 SATs.
IRIS School Performance Table KS2 Academic Year 2022-2023
Key stage 2 SATs – Reading | 84% at expected or exceeding |
Key stage 2 SATs – Maths | 100% at expected or exceeding |
Key stage 2 SATs – SPAG | 100% at expected or exceeding |
IRIS School Performance Table KS2 Academic Year 2021-2022
Key stage 2 SATs – Reading | 51% at expected or exceeding |
Key stage 2 SATs – Maths | 65% at expected or exceeding |
Key stage 2 SATs – SPAG | 60% at expected or exceeding |