Second term report & Easter Holidays

Dear Parent/Carer,

The second term is drawing to an end and we would like to thank all parents for ensuring their child arrives to school on time every day, in the right uniform and with the correct equipment. We appreciate your support, and the majority of students are absolutely ready for learning.

 Once again end of term report is ready to share with you but due to Covid -19 regulations we are unable to meet you face-to-face, so we will send the reports via email and a copy with your son/daughter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the teacher you require through the phone call on 02073728051 on Tuesday and Wednesday between 10:30am and 13:00pm

School finishes on Wednesday the 31st of March 2021 at 15:00 pm and we will be back on Monday the 19th of April 2021. The school day will be shortened as we start at 9:30am and finish at 2:30pm because of Ramadan.

May Allah shower his blessing on you and your family in the Holy Month Ramadan

We wish you a very nice and relaxing holiday.

Stay safe,

Yours sincerely,

Office Admins